
Coaching, Fractal Inquiry, and How to Create Your Own Psychedelic Integration Circle

September 13, 2024
Featuring: Daniel Shankin

As more people have experiences with non-ordinary states, integration becomes more important than ever. But if there isn’t one in your area, how can you create your own psychedelic integration circle?

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As more people have experiences with non-ordinary states, integration becomes more important than ever. But if there isn’t one in your area, how can you create your own psychedelic integration circle?

In this episode, David interviews Daniel Shankin: psychedelic integration coach, Vital instructor, and founder and director of Tam Integration.

He talks about the underrated importance of integration circles, how he created Tam Integration out of a personal need for them, how simple it can be for people to create their own groups, and how open-ended newly formed groups can be. He also discusses his “fractal inquiry” coaching method, and how the best coaching involves simply asking questions that lead clients to their own realizations and wisdom. He is offering courses that teach both of these skills: a course called Creating Community Psychedelic Integration Circles, and the newly-launched, year-long Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration Coaching Program, beginning in October.

He discusses:

  • The importance of learning how to focus on your breath, especially during a tough experience
  • Hugging the Hindu spiritual leader, Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi), and the special energy that some people have
  • The benefits of knowing when a mind path isn’t worth exploring
  • The difference between judgment and curiosity
  • The weirdness of psychonauts, and how maybe getting a little weirder is what’s needed for your healing

and more! 


Tam Integration’s Psychedelic Integration Coach Training Creating Community Psychedelic Integration Circles: An Online Course

Tam Integration circles

Daniel Shankin – Leadership Coaching and The Psilocybin Summit

Spotify: “Hair” soundtrack

Be Here Now, by Ram Dass

Chris Bache – LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven

After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path, by Jack Kornfield

Early Research, Psychedelics in Palliative Care, and the Intersection of Science and the Sacred, featuring: William Richards, STM, Ph.D. “In the Service of Life,” by Rachel Naomi Remen

YouTube: Mos Def- “Umi Says”

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Daniel Shankin 1

In this Episode

Daniel Shankin

As a psychedelic integration coach, Daniel Shankin serves people with emerging spiritual visions as they weave their newfound truths into their lives in a way that is sustainable, harmonious, compassionate, and wise. His methods are fiercely practical while maintaining space for mystery and magic to emerge. He offers time-tested and scientifically backed tools so clients can create a life for themselves that is aligned with their deeper values and manifests measurable results that matter. As the founder and director of Tam Integration, he’s committed to offering radically accessible and inclusive support and education for people who are wanting to transform, heal, and grow. Tam’s integration circles and online conferences enjoy a worldwide audience and much critical acclaim. He also leads the year-long Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration Coaching Program, training emerging leaders in the facilitation of transformational engagement. He and his wife live in a tiny town in New England where they forage for mushrooms and throw rocks into creeks with their two young boys.

Tam Integration socials: Instagram / Facebook / X / Linkedin