What is healing justice? And what does psychedelic education look like through the lens of healing justice and anti-oppression?
In this episode, Joe interviews Diana Quinn, ND: naturopathic doctor, healing justice practitioner, and director of clinical education at the Naropa Center for Psychedelic Studies, where she directs their Psilocybin Facilitator Training certificate program.
She discusses her path from anthropology to naturopathy, and eventually to psychedelics and activism, finding a framework for psychedelic education grounded in healing justice, which recognizes the impact of collective trauma on all of us, seeks to reclaim lost or stolen models of healing, focuses on equity and accessibility, and brings an anti-oppression lens to training programs to give students a greater capacity for culturally responsive care. She encourages seeing things from an anti-capitalist viewpoint, and recognizes the huge clash between using such powerful and mystical medicines inside structures so embedded with problematic human qualities. How can you build inside of these Western systems without being affected by that capitalist energy?
She discusses:
- The importance of respecting plants from other cultures – that no healing or consciousness expansion is justifiable when it threatens an entire species
- The challenge of integrating the weirdest parts of non-ordinary states into education: How does a Western framework come to terms with the ineffable?
- How colonialism and the culture born from it has hurt us all
- The importance of finding your own lineage and what is sacred to you
- The work of Rick Tarnas and the amazing patterns we can find in astrology
and more!
Naropa is running the third cohort of their 8-month psychedelic-assisted therapy certificate program, they’re launching a psilocybin facilitator program, and they hope to have their own healing center up and running sometime in 2025.
Naropa.edu: Naropa Center For Psychedelic Studies
PT292 – Sam Gandy – Vital Psychedelic Conversations
PT341 – Racism, Trauma, Research, and Psychedelics, featuring: Monnica Williams, Ph.D.
PT236 – Drugs: Honesty, Responsibility, and Logic, featuring: Dr. Carl Hart
Kaalogii.com (Belinda Eriacho)
Whitesupremacyculture.info (Tema Okun)
Anti-Oppressive Psychotherapeutic Practice, by Florie St. Aime
Psyche Unbound: Essays in Honor of Stanislav Grof, Edited by Richard Tarnas and Sean Kelly
Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, by Richard Tarnas
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