
An Inside Look at the FDA and Early Drug Development

June 18, 2024
Featuring: Dr. Amanda Holley

In this episode, Joe interviews Dr. Amanda Holley: pharmacologist and regulatory consultant in nonclinical drug development, and previously a nonclinical pharmacology/toxicology reviewer at the FDA.

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In this episode, Joe interviews Dr. Amanda Holley: pharmacologist and regulatory consultant in nonclinical drug development, and previously a nonclinical pharmacology/toxicology reviewer at the FDA.

With Lykos Therapeutics working towards FDA approval of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD, ICER (Institute for Clinical and Economic Review) recently published its draft evidence report, concluding that they couldn’t endorse this modality. While disappointing to the psychedelic space, this report doesn’t determine the FDA’s official stance, and also really highlights a lot about how the FDA works, the knowledge gap between consumers and regulators, and how clinical studies should be designed in the future. Holley talks about the FDA’s dedication to safety and data, and how, essentially, drug development comes down to a risk/benefit analysis. 

She discusses:

  • Misconceptions about the FDA, especially related to psychedelics
  • The path of a substance in early drug development and how breakthrough designation works
  • The complications with blinding psychedelics, the placebo effect, and how much therapy is a factor
  • The contrast between productization and harm reduction: Should we be concerned with creating products, or understanding these substances better?
  • How changing one molecule really does create a different drug

and more!

Links Institute for Clinical and Economic Review Releases Draft Evidence Report on Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Assisted Psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Draft Evidence Report Exclusive: Therapists and Trialists from Lykos’ Phase 3 MDMA-Assisted Therapy Studies Push Back on ICER’s Critical Draft Report Lykos Therapeutics Statement on FDA Advisory Committee Meeting Delta 8 vs Delta 9 THC: Understanding the Differences and Effects

David Nutt’s drug harm scale

Dr. Amanda Holley 3

In this Episode

Dr. Amanda Holley

Dr. Amanda Holley was trained as an integrative neurobiologist largely in academic research, receiving her bachelors in psychology and masters in molecular and cellular biology at UMass Amherst, and ultimately her Ph.D. in Biology from Concordia University in Montreal. She went on to do two fellowships: one in toxicology at the University of Texas Austin, and a second in Pharmacology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. She left academia to pursue a career as a nonclinical pharmacology/toxicology reviewer at the FDA, where she specialized in psychedelics. After a few years, she transitioned to the Pharma side of drug development as a Pharmacologist/toxicologist and regulatory consultant.

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