
Finding Your Soul’s Purpose: Harnessing Psychedelic Insights for Professional Growth

September 17, 2024
Featuring: Beth Weinstein

Psychedelic experiences can be a key drivers toward finding your soul’s purpose. But how can the insights learned lead to professional growth or a completely new career?

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Psychedelic experiences can be a key drivers toward finding your soul’s purpose. But how can the insights learned lead to professional growth or a completely new career?

In this episode, Kyle interviews Beth Weinstein: spiritual business coach, host of the “Medicine For These Times” podcast, and founder of the Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Soul’s Purpose & Business summit.

She talks about a pattern she noticed of people working with psychedelics and seeing progress on what they set out to heal, but with a short-lived afterglow, as they remained in unfulfilling jobs without making any changes. She wondered: What if they applied the lessons they learned during their experience to their careers? What small steps could they start taking to either improve their current job, or find their true soul’s purpose and carve out a new path? Weinstein’s path has led her to combine practical business action plans with more spiritual and traditionally psychedelic modalities to help people grow in their careers and become their most authentic selves – especially if they’re trying to enter into the psychedelic space.

She discusses:

  • The importance of making time to talk things out with a coach, integration circle, or friends – especially in a culture that only gets more distracting and chaotic every day
  • The challenge of differentiating between guidance: Is it your soul’s true purpose, or a trick of your ego?
  • The weirdly taboo topic of money in psychedelics, and the delicate balance of aligning with charitable values while making a living
  • The mystical aspects to how life can change with new energy: Maybe that layoff happened at the perfect time?
  • The power of positivity and small steps toward change, and how working on something outside of work can transform how you show up at work

and more! 

Weinstein’s newest course begins early next year: The True Path Entrepreneur Group Business Coaching Mastermind Program, which is a 12-month live coaching course designed to reprogram limiting patterns and beliefs and help move people into alignment with their true path. Click here for more info and to apply.


Free course: Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business

Free course: Clarity to Clients: 3 Steps to Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing or Psychedelic Business

The True Path Entrepreneur Group Business Coaching Mastermind Program

Apple podcasts: “Medicine for These Times” with Beth Weinstein

PT229 – Dr. Matthew Johnson – What is Consciousness?

Coyote Medicine: Lessons from Native American, by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D. Office Space

Rose Dieta: Group Plant Spirit Immersion (begins Oct. 7)

*Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that Psychedelics Today will receive a percentage of the sale.

Beth Weinstein

In this Episode

Beth Weinstein

As a spiritual business coach, Beth Weinstein helps current and aspiring coaches, healers, psychedelic pioneers, medicine folk, and spiritual leaders align with your soul’s path and grow your business so you can help more people, share your unique medicine, and have a thriving transformational business you love. Using her experience growing multiple businesses (including three of her own), along with neuroscience-backed methodologies, spiritual teachings, practical business action plans, somatic therapy modalities, and subconscious reprogramming, Beth offers a multi-dimensional approach to help you get past your blocks and grow your business in a successful, impactful way. She guides you in a step-by-step process to grow your business in a balanced, co-creative approach combining practical business coaching and heart-centered growth strategies together with soul-centered leadership coaching, embodiment work, energetic alignment and mindset mastery. Beth’s programs serve new and early-stage medicine folk and spiritually-minded people who are being called to make a difference in the world with a transformational business. Beth is the host of “Medicine For These Times” podcast as well as the founder of five annual Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Soul’s Purpose & Business online summits. Beth has spoken on multiple stages, podcasts, and summits, and has been featured in The New York Post, Huffington Post, The Plant Spirit Summit, The Psilocybin Summit, and more. Learn more at

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Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose & Business Facebook group