
Self-Care, Destabilization, and the Holistic Nature of Psychedelics

June 21, 2024
Featuring: Kaitlin Roberson & Dr. Michele Cox, DO

In this episode of Vital Psychedelic Conversations, David interviews Kaitlin Roberson: Vital graduate and co-founder and CEO of Cacti Therapeutics, a psychedelic biotech company developing novel therapies for chronic pain; and Dr. Michele Cox, DO: current Vital student, veteran, physician, and co-founder of LifeBloom, a brand new company focusing on bringing community and connection into women’s healthcare.

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In this episode of Vital Psychedelic Conversations, David interviews Kaitlin Roberson: Vital graduate and co-founder and CEO of Cacti Therapeutics, a psychedelic biotech company developing novel therapies for chronic pain; and Dr. Michele Cox, DO: current Vital student, veteran, physician, and co-founder of LifeBloom, a brand new company focusing on bringing community and connection into women’s healthcare.

They talk about their work: Roberson’s research on trauma and chronic pain, and why she feels that working in the pharma industry is a calling; and Cox’s framework as an osteopath, the value she’s found in touch and connection, and how she explains to clients what to expect when undergoing ketamine treatment.

They discuss:

  • Why psychedelics are such useful interventions
  • The body’s ability to tell us what’s wrong, as long we’re listening
  • The destabilization that can occur after a big experience: If you don’t have a good support system, is it really the right time?
  • Self-care and our tendency to never feel like we’re good enough
  • How there is energy in everything and we should all recognize that more

And, as Vital students, they talk about what they hoped to get out of Vital and how it delivered more than expected. If you’re just discovering Vital, be sure to check out the website and fill out an application. Secure your spot and take advantage of the Early Bird discount!


PT464 – Bodywork, Somatic Literacy, and Understanding Trauma: The Mind and Body Connection, featuring: Bessel van der Kolk, MD

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine’s infograph

Kaitlin Roberson 3

In this Episode

Kaitlin Roberson

Kaitlin Roberson is the co-founder and CEO of Cacti Therapeutics, a psychedelic biotech company developing novel therapies for chronic pain and opioid use disorder. She moved in this direction after working in the humanitarian field with populations disproportionately affected by trauma and without equitable access to quality care. She has an Ed.M from Harvard University in human development and psychology with an emphasis on childhood adversity and trauma care for refugees. In Kait’s spare time, she trains for triathlons, boxes, chases four kids and eight pets around, and volunteers with various NGOs. Her passion is mobilizing people to find community-based solutions to our challenges and her dream is that one day, access to trauma healing will be available to all.

Socials: Instagram / Linkedin

Cacti Therapeutics socials: Instagram

Dr. Michele Cox_ DO

Dr. Michele Cox, DO

Dr. Michele S. Cox, a distinguished veteran of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, is at the forefront of longevity and psychedelic medicine. As the co-founder of LifeBloom, she is dedicated to revolutionizing women’s health by integrating psychedelic therapy into a holistic care model. LifeBloom fosters a vibrant community that inspires every woman to achieve her healthiest life, leveraging the latest in longevity research and ancient wisdom. Dr. Cox’s approach is deeply rooted in regenerative medicine, focusing on optimizing cognitive, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal health to not only enhance life’s length but also its quality. Committed to redefining healthcare, Dr. Cox champions a shift toward understanding and enhancing vital health systems through groundbreaking, evidence-based therapies.

Socials: Instagram / TikTok / Linkedin