February 27, 2023
Webinar – Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) Rationale, Theory and Technique
Date and time
12:00PM - 1:30PM (EST)
About This Event
Andrew Tatarsky’s Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) provides a
framework for effective therapy with people along the entire spectrum of risky
and addictive behavior including the use of psychedelics in recreational,
ceremonial and therapeutic contexts. The harm reduction shift starts where
people are, supports people in creating their optimal relationships to substances
and emphasizes empowerment and collaboration between the provider and
consumer. IHRP brings a harm reduction orientation to psychotherapy,
substance use treatment and psychedelic-assisted therapy.
IHRP techniques are uniquely tailored to each person. A central focus on the
therapeutic alliance and relationship creates a context in which to clarify the
meanings and functions of problematic behavior, enhance self-regulation and
support maximizing benefit and minimizing risk. IHRP addresses related
personal, relational and lifestyle issues concurrently with problematic behavior.
This introduction to IHRP will cover the clinical rationale, theoretical foundation,
basic definitions of harm reduction and an overview of IHRP and it’s Seven
Therapeutic Tasks. Special attention will be given to the relationship between
trauma, dissociation and problems with self regulation and addiction.
The class will combine lecture, discussion and clinical illustrations. Particpants
are encouraged to bring their most challenging case vignettes for discussion.
You will learn:
-The challenging realities of people who struggle with problematic drug use
-The limitations of traditional abstinence-only treatment
-The role society plays in the shaping of how we understand substance use and how treatment has developed
-The multiple meanings process model of addiction underlying IHRP
-The core harm reduction principles
-An overview of IHRP’s Seven Therapeutic Tasks
-Application to psychedelic preparation and integration
- Resources:
- Bridging the Worlds of Harm Reduction and Addiction Treatment
- The Challenge of Harm Reduction: Changing Attitudes Toward Addiction Treatment
- Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy: A Case of Substance Use, Multiple Trauma, and Suicidality
- Warning Signs When Selecting a Psychedelic Facilitator
- Guide to Finding a Safe Ibogaine Clinic
- Ibogaine and Iboga: Traditional Use, Conservation, and Ethical Considerations