Louis Adam and Jordan Williams – Mycology Now: Spreading Knowledge one Spore at a Time
October 15, 2019
In this episode, Joe sits down with Jordan and Lou from Mycology Now, a company that makes and sells spore syringes for microscopy use. In the show, they talk about the start of Mycology Now, the culture change caused by psychedelics, and personal stories on how psychedelics changed their lives.

In this episode, Joe sits down with Jordan and Lou from Mycology Now, a company that makes and sells spore syringes for microscopy use. In the show, they talk about the start of Mycology Now, the culture change caused by psychedelics, and personal stories on how psychedelics changed their lives.
3 Key Points:
- Mycology Now is a company that produces premium spores for microscopy use. The goal is to spread knowledge about mycology, one spore at a time.
- We are living in an age of information that has never been experienced before, people have the tools to break the stigma on their own just by educating themselves.
- Psychedelics are becoming a culture change agent, more and more people are becoming accepting of psychedelics, and psychedelics are helping people come together to create positive change.
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Navigating Psychedelics
Show Notes
Mycology Now
- Jordan and Lou are co-owners and creators of Mycology Now
- The company runs out of Florida
- Mycology Now is a company that sells spores for microscopy
- They have two locations in Denver
- The mission of the company is to spread spores and knowledge
- Lou shares how his interest in mycology began
- He says it began with his struggle with depression and suicidal tendencies
- Psilocybin had ended up being the only thing that helped with the struggle, the depression was completely erased
- Jordan shares his story
- His mother was in a relationship when he was about 10 years old with an abusive man
- This man abused narcotics, opioids
- He was abusive mentally, physically and emotionally
- He grew up being convinced that he wasn’t worthy of love, and he blamed himself
- About 2 years ago, he discovered mushrooms, and was able to go into the painful parts of his childhood and forgive himself and heal from his trauma
- “Although negative things did happen to me, and to my family, I was not the cause of it, and I should not have to carry that around with me.” – Jordan
- He wants to do everything in his power to bring that to the rest of the world
Shattering the Stigma
- One thing that they have noticed about the younger generation is that they are way more open and have way more acceptance of psychedelics and an interest in self care and mental health
- “We are living in an age of information that has never been experienced before, people have the tools to break the stigma on their own just by educating themselves.” – Jordan
- Joe mentions that in Colorado, psychedelics are a bit normalized to have conversation about
- In Florida, the median age is 55, so there is more of a challenge because people that age grew up in the taboo time of psychedelics
The start of Mycology Now
- It organically grew into a website
- Lou says it was an entity that grew on its own
- Joe predicts that in 2020, we are about to see the Psilocybin movement really take off
- Joe brings up the Paul Stamets Stack, which is Cubensis, Lions Mane and Niacin
- There are testimonials about auditory changes that you can measure, you can increase your ability to hear frequencies
- They bring up an example of a deaf man being able to hear the waves of the ocean for the first time after practicing the Stamet’s stack
Psychedelics as a Culture Change agent
- Some people say its the worst time in history, and other people say this is the best time in history
- There is a hunger of more digestible ways of receiving information
- Psychedelics can help us understand the impermanence of things
- Lou brings up that Paul Staments and Dennis McKenna were the catalysts to his understanding of mycology
- Jordan says that his inspiration and influence came from people at music festivals
- People are very open and authentic when on psychedelics
- Meeting real people with real lives who had profound change in their lives because of psychedelics are his major sources of inspiration
Psilocybin for Cancer and Depression
- Lou’s sister was diagnosed with Metastatic breast cancer with a double mastectomy and was diagnosed with depression afterward
- After talking about the health benefits, she took psilocybin, and laid down and disconnected with her body
- Afterward, she was able to come out of it and talk about her ease with death
- The experience felt like death itself, and having felt what death might feel like, she no longer experiences depression about her cancer
Final Fun Fact
- Johns Hopkins psilocybin study on smoking cessation
- 80% of people were abstinent from smoking cigarettes on a 6 month followup
- Those people smoked an average of 19 cigarettes per day for an average of 31 years of their life
About Mycology Now
Mycology Now is a humble small business dedicated to spreading awareness. They are a company that makes and sells spore syringes for microscopy use. Their Mushroom Spore prints and syringes speak for themselves; always having a heavy spore count.