In this episode Kyle and Joe sit down and discuss Esketamine, a new FDA approved drug that is a derivative of Ketamine. They invite quotes from professionals who have experience with generic Ketamine and to voice their opinions.
3 Key Points:
- Janssen Pharmaceutica has announced an FDA approved derivative of Ketamine, Esketamine, called Spravato.
- The new drug is facing critique on its pricing, route of administration as well as functional differences when compared to the traditional, generic Ketamine.
- Joe and Kyle invite professionals in the field who have experience with generic Ketamine to voice their opinions, hopes and concerns about Spravato.
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Show Notes
- Janssen Pharmaceutica, a Johnson & Johnson Subsidiary has created a derivative of Ketamine called Esketamine and has gone through the whole FDA approval process
- There has been some concern about a big pharmaceutical company, Janssen coming in and creating a ‘new molecule’ and introducing an FDA approved ‘psychedelic’ to make generic Ketamine obsolete
- There is going to be price differences based on routes of administration (Intravenous vs lozenges)
- $1.59 at 100 milligrams (93% bioavailable when administered IM)
- The list price of Esketamine through Janssen will be $590-$885 per treatment session based on the dosage taken which will vary between patients
- During the first month of therapy, that would add up to $4720-$6785
After the first month, maintenance therapy could range from $2300-$3500 - Joe says Ketamine should be cheap
- During the first month of therapy, that would add up to $4720-$6785
Scott Shannon
- Scott Shannon, Director of the Wholeness Center
- Joe reads a quote from Scott that says that the new Janssen Esketamine product is overpriced, the research data showed that only 2 out of 5 studies demonstrated effectiveness, and generic Ketamine is much more effective and cheaper than Esketamine
- Insurance might cover Esketamine
- Kyle says he hasn’t heard of too many generic Ketamine sessions being covered by Insurance
Jessica Katzman
- The approval of Esketamine by the FDA is controversial based on the route of administration, cost and functional differences
- Only 8-50% of the Esketamine dose is effective
- Some of the benefits of Esketamine are it’s legitimizing of the existing generic
- Ketamine use as well as an Insurance overview of Ketamine and Esketamine via cost analysis
- Esketamine is not new, it has been around for a long time
Dr. Matt Brown
- Physicians have been able to provide Ketamine for decades
- Janssen was able to get the FDA to approve literally half of what generic Ketamine is
- There are a lot of unknowns for Esketamine yet, it hasn’t even hit the shelves yet
- Kyle says Ketamine has been used to bring patients internally, like most psychedelic sessions
- Kyle also says Ketamine is more dissociating, where classic tryptamines like psilocybin are more activating
- Hypertension, stroke, intracranial mass/hemorrhage and cautions like pregnancy, substance abuse, etc.
- It’s pretty available in the underground, so it could have the potential for risk of abuse
- Recreational experiences have the opportunity to be the most therapeutic and eye-opening experience
- Audiobook – Function of Reason by Alfred North Whitehead
- “I need not continue the discussion. The case is too clear for elaboration. Yet the trained body of physiologists under the influence of the ideas germane to their successful methodology entirely ignore the whole mass of adverse evidence. We have here a colossal example of anti-empirical dogmatism arising from a successful methodology. Evidence which lies outside the method simply does not count.
We are, of course, reminded that the neglect of this evidence arises from the fact that it lies outside the scope of the methodology of the science. That method consists in tracing the persistence of the physical and chemical principles throughout physiological operations.” – quote from Function of Reason
- “I need not continue the discussion. The case is too clear for elaboration. Yet the trained body of physiologists under the influence of the ideas germane to their successful methodology entirely ignore the whole mass of adverse evidence. We have here a colossal example of anti-empirical dogmatism arising from a successful methodology. Evidence which lies outside the method simply does not count.
- Joe invites listeners to ask questions and leave a message of opinions and such (either anonymously or using your name)
- Google voice 970-368-3133
About Kyle
Kyle’s interest in exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness began when he was 16-years-old when he suffered a traumatic snowboarding accident. Waking up after having a near-death experience changed Kyle’s life. Since then, Kyle has earned his B.A. in Transpersonal Psychology, where he studied the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness by exploring shamanism, plant medicine, Holotropic Breathwork, and the roots/benefits of psychedelic psychotherapy. Kyle has co-taught two college-level courses. One of the courses Kyle created as a capstone project, “Stanislav Grof’s Psychology of Extraordinary Experiences,” and the other one which he co-created, “The History of Psychedelics.”
Kyle is currently pursuing his M.S. in clinical mental health counseling with an emphasis in somatic psychology. Kyle’s clinical background in mental health consists of working with at-risk teenagers in crisis and with individuals experiencing an early-episode of psychosis. Kyle also facilitates Transpersonal Breathwork workshops.
About Joe
Joe studied philosophy in New Hampshire, where he earned his B.A.. After stumbling upon the work of Stanislav Grof during his undergraduate years, Joe began participating in Holotropic Breathwork workshops in Vermont in 2003. Joe helped facilitate Holotropic and Transpersonal Breathwork workshops while he spent his time in New England. He is now working in the software industry as well as hosting a few podcasts. Joe now coordinates Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork workshops, in Breckenridge, Colorado.