In this episode of Psychedelics Today, Kyle and Joe discuss professionalism in the psychedelic field. It has been brought to our attention that there are a number of people out there doing unprofessional things. As this field continues to develop and grow, it is important to be aware of what professionalism could look like, what self care, ethics, and boundaries look like in this world that we are all actively developing.
This episode is about raising the topic of professionalism in a new growing field rather than providing answers. We all need to be self-reflective in our development and question whether or not harm is being done by certain practices.
Some concerns were brought to attention via the Psilly Rabbits blog, Exploring Psychedelics 2018: Reviewing Zealotry and Apologetics within the Field of Psychedelic. If you want to listen to the episode where Cody discusses this blog more in-depth, check out the Psychedelic Zealotry episode.
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