
Tips on Creating Your Own Psychedelic Group

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As psychedelic research progresses, people are starting to feel more comfortable talking about their life-changing experiences with psychedelic substances and sacred plant medicines. People are beginning to organize meetups, groups, and organizations to raise awareness about the future potential of psychedelics, share stories, and build community.

If you live in a major city, there is a good chance that there is a psychedelic society, group, or meet up in your area. If you do not live in a major city finding “the others” may seem daunting and out-of-reach. That’s ok. There are probably people in your area that are interested, but no one has taken the initiative to get the ball rolling. Or maybe you have had the idea, but don’t even know where or how to get started with this process.

That’s ok! This new field is in its own growth process. We are all trying to figure out this new territory together. This is why we have created a quick document of tips and advice to help you get started! We hope this guide helps and encourages you to get out there and start a psychedelic conversation.

Sign up below for your free guide for tips and advice!

Also, check out our interview with Leia Friedman of the Boston Entheogenic Network – where we talk about the process of starting a psychedelic group: The Boston Entheogenic Network and Tips on Creating a Psychedelic Group

Here are some quick tips for starting your own psychedelic group

  • First, what is the point of the group?
  • What is the purpose or mission?
  • Learn about your local laws and the legal risks
  • Do not condone or facilitate illegal activity
  • Go slow
  • Find the others to help you out
  • Check-in with yourself and the other members of the group
  • Protect your members
  • Start online to gain awareness and then start an in-person meetup
Do you have any other tips or advice for starting your own group? Leave us to comment below and let us know!
Do you have a psychedelic group that you would like listed in our document? Let us know!

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